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Command Line Options

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The A11yWatch CLI is an easy way to get started with running, deploying, and testing web accessibility.


  • Rust is required.
  • Docker is required if you are not building locally.
  • Nodejs is required for local installs.


If you are on Ubuntu OpenSSL is required:

apt-get update && apt upgrade -y && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential gcc cmake libc6 libssl-dev pkg-config

Getting Started

You can get the CLI using cargo or npm.

  1. cargo install a11ywatch_cli or
  2. npm i a11ywatch-cli -g

CLI Commands

You can run the a11ywatch -h command to get all the options and details for the CLI.

a11ywatch_cli 0.8.23
j-mendez <>
A11yWatch web accessibility CLI.


-f, --find-results
Log file results path

Get the apps tmp directory location

-g, --github-api-url
Get github API endpoint of project

Log file results github path

-h, --help
Print help information

-r, --results-parsed
Get results file parsed to json

-r, --results-parsed-list
Get results file parsed as report list of passed / failed

Get the total amount of issues between errors,warning,notice that occurred for the
result set

Get the total amount of issues of type error from result set

Get the total amount of issues of type warning from result set

Get results of the github html message

-s, --set-token <SET_TOKEN>
Set the API token to use for request

--set-cv-token <SET_CV_TOKEN>
Set the Computer Vision API token to use for request

--set-cv-url <SET_CV_URL>
Set the Computer Vision API endpoint to use for request

-V, --version
Print version information

build Build the project on the local machine [defaults to docker runtime]
crawl Site wide scan a website url for issues
extract Extract results in formats for platforms
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
scan Single page scan a website url for issues
start Start the application on the local machine [defaults to docker runtime]
stop Stop the project on the local machine [defaults to docker runtime]

Quick Start

To get started scanning your website with the CLI run the following commands.

# pass -f option to start with the front-end
a11ywatch start
# single page scan and store results
a11ywatch scan --url -s
# full multi site crawl
a11ywatch crawl --url -s -d
# full site wide crawl with subdomains and TLDS
a11ywatch crawl --url -s -d --subdomains --tld

If you want to display detailed reports on the last scan run a11ywatch --results-parsed-list, the prior run also needs the -s flag to store results. This will bring up the last scan with pass/fail reports for each page.

Use the -d flag in order to enable real time log output of pages completed.

Code Fix

The command line gives you the ability to get code fixes right into your project after a scan using the --fix flag.

Run the following:

a11ywatch crawl --url -s -d --fix